LOBLOLLY THEATRE                   
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Current Production


Sadly, the Loblolly Theatre presented its final production
at its present location during the month of September, 2012.

The production was the one-woman get-together - INTERIM - with
Patricia Simmons as Rosa Johnson Perkins.
Rosa is at her beloved cabin in the woods celebrating her 80th birthday.
Her family has staged this grand celebration for her,
but insists she can no longer live alone in this dear cabin.
Through her telling, we meet her family and friends and
learn of her profession, her loves and indiscretions, courage and wit.

INTERIM was performed each weekend in September
Friday and Saturday evenings at 8:00p.m.
Sunday matinees at 3:00 p.m.

Copies of the script are available by contacting the theatre.

INTERIM is available for touring performances.
For information contact the theatre - Contact the Theatre page.


(Seen above:  Patricia Simmons in INTERIM)